Wikipedia and George Floyd


Wikipedia is notorious for being a platform for free speech only when it comes to a certain kind of speech. That is, pushing the liberal agenda. 

For example, Wikipedia page on the George Floyd protests puts claims of Antifa being involved in the protest into “Conspiracy theory” category. It reads “False claims of impending Antifa activity as part of the protests circulated through social media platforms, causing alarm in at least 41 towns and cities. As a result of the rumors, several people were harassed. Hundreds of members of armed self-proclaimed militias and far right groups gathered in Gettysburg National Military Park on Independence Day in response to a fake online claim that antifa protesters were planning on burning the U.S. flag”. 

Sounds convincing unless you have seen the pictures of people wearing clothes with Antifa logos. It also becomes blatantly obvious when you see dozens of Antifa flags being waved in the crowds of protesters. 

Speaking of flag burning, the crime did take place on various occasions during the summer of protests. Some protesters tried to establish a separatist police-free autonomous zone in Washington, all of that accompanied by setting the Star-Spangled banner on fire.
