How do Racial Equality organizations and movements attract necessary attention? (based on NAACP Media Training )

NAACP is a successful organization and we covered it in one of the first posts in this rubric. Now we are going to see how their success is achieved. 

A representative of the NAACP organization, Rev. Mark Thompson, led a so-called media training and in one of the interviews on the YouTube platform (link is attached bellow) told how to attract media attention correctly so that everything would turn out in your favor.

In general, bullet points are quite obvious:
  • during press conference, speakers have to be those affected by the issue, they also have to be influencers, and invite Black press 
  • location has to have dramatic visual and be convenient for media
  • materials: good sound equipment, equipment for LIVE streams and so-called "press packet" (background info on the issue, press release, press conference advisory, etc) 
  • press advisory includes active usage if social media, phones, emails, every possible source for promotion
  • interview (show all your public speaking skills and stay focused on the message! and of corse visuals are crucial)
  • message has to be simple and easily understood
As we have already stated, pretty much everything is simple and clear. However, not all the organizations and movements that we covered are as influential and successful and NAACP. And it's very thoughtful of them to provide this media trainings, so that other organizations might follow and be just as fortunate. 

More information and some additional advices can be found in the video bellow. 

