Did BLM Affect the Election of 2016?

Yes, it did. 

Protests of police violence and BLM movement played quite a major role in the 2016 election. American National Election studies conducted a research and discovered that the combat against white supremacy organized by BLM movement affected the choice of candidate. 

Hillary Clinton, a democratic nominee, described herself as a Black Lives Matter supporter. She repeated that the growing number of victim from the police was heartbreaking. Donald J. Trump, on the contrary, supported police and accused BLM members of dividing America. 

However, the researchers discovered that it wasn't that Trump supported the police and now BLM that was crucial for his voters. But it was that those people who shared his point of view were more republican and felt racial resentment. 

In 2020's election the situation was quite similar except for that it was Joe Biden insted of Clinton now. Being Trump's opposer he supported the BLM, continuing Hillary Clinton's line. Donald Trump was not so much of a civil rights movement supporter and said that he would use U.S. military to quell the protests. 



