Police politization after BLM

Police politization after BLM

Even before the BLM riots of 2020 Donald Trump had shown his support for “Law and Order” and police in general. Trump gained police loyalty by opposing the idea “Defund the Police”. In 2017 he told the police not to be too nice when arresting.[1] When the protests started Trump remained on the issue, quote: “quickly [coming] down on [protesters]” thanking Secret Service and Police. He referred to rioters as “thugs”.[2] This is why Trump gained tremendous support from the police unions, some unions and departments even endorsed the incumbent president in 2020, thus breaking the long-lasting tradition.[3]

The former president Barack Obama and the democratic nominee at the time Joe Biden claimed that the death of Floyd is “a painful tragedy” and “a cycle of violence”.[4] They both despite being not even radical left part of the party argued for a drastic reform, the left call for the disbanding the police at all.

We can see that Donald trump just like democratic politicians became partisans. Democrats on one hand decided to side with progressive left and Donald Trump and his followers on the other hand sided with police thus gaining support from them.[5]

Considering the polarization of American society police and “law and order” has becoming more entangled with politics. Democratic voters and rioters claim that today police have become brutal, and it suppresses the voices and thus damages American democracy. Republican voters complain that police have become too nice, and they do not deal with crime. Both parties try to capitalize on the issue of police.

In our next post we will examine what kind of police reforms do democrats and republics propose.







[1] https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/28/16059536/trump-cops-speech-gang-violence-long-island

[2] https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/05/trumps-response-to-george-floyd-turmoil-abject-failure-presidential-leadership

[3] https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/politics/decision-2020/nypd-says-unions-trump-presidential-endorsement-wont-affect-enforcement/2679463/

[4] https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/05/05/trumps-response-to-george-floyd-turmoil-abject-failure-presidential-leadership

[5] https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-08-26/republican-convention-california-trump-police-leader-endorsement
