Eric Garner: Family; Protests; Obama' Reaction

As we have already mentioned in our previous post, many details of the case remained unclear. His family tried their best to achieve justice during the trial and didn’t stop after.

Eric Garner’s wife, a mother of six kids is certainly in deep sorrow after her husband’s death in a chokehold. Esaw Garner spoke out at the news conference organized by Al Sharpton after the grand jury’s decision not to indict Daniel Pantaleo, NYPD officer who killed Eric.

"He's still working, he's still getting a paycheck, he's still feeding his kids, and my husband is six feet under. He should be here celebrating Christmas and Thanksgiving and everything else with his children and grandchildren. And he can't. Why? Because a cop did wrong," – said Esaw Garner.

Garner’s and Sharton’s relatives were very concerned by the grand jury’s decision. The grand juryw as led by a local prosecutor who worked with NYPD on a regular basis. The same think took place in Missouri where Michael Brown’s shooter Darren Wilson a week prior.

Gwen (Gwendolyn) Carr is Eric Garner’s mother who became an activist after her son was killed. She has earned wide recognition. She advocated her disappointment of the grand jury’s decision at a press conference on December, 3, 2014. However, she urged people to protest peacefully. The think is that there was a huge chance of escalation of protests in New York. She said that she wanted people to rally but to rally ion peace.

"Yeah, we want you to rally, but rally in peace," she said. "Make a statement, but make it in peace. Do what you have to, but do it in peace."

President Barack Obama also made a statement on the Grand Jury’s decision. He said that the case is in larger issues that had been lasting for years and decades.

"This is an American problem. When anybody in this country is not being treated equally under the law, that’s a problem. And it’s my job as President to help solve it.". Later that evening it was announced that the Department of Justice will proceed with a federal civil rights investigation into Mr. Garner’s death.

To sum up, we would like to say that Eric Garner’s death provoked a nationwide outcry and it was just one of the cases which strengthened the need of a big movement uniting people. Black Lives Matter became one.


Gwen Carr

