Michael Brown's Murder

The story of Michael Brown is very similar to Trayvon Martin’s case. He was also unarmed and also killed by a police officer in 2014. The officer’s name was Darren Wilson and the tragic accident took place in Ferguson, Missouri state.

Michael Brown who was 18 and Trayvon Martin share another very important thing. They both were the victims of the racial unjustice.

Various investigation took place but it still remains unclear what happened on August 9. However, the officer reported that he had tried to stop two African American men who were walking down Canfield Drive. They did not comply to that and Darren Wilson tried to exit the vehicle. As it was documented, Brown assaulted the officer by trying to take his gun and a shot was fired. Brown was warned several times but he reached to the officer’s waistband and that is when Wilson fired several shots. Brown kept approaching Wilson. When Brown was less than 10 feet away from the officer a bullet was shot in his head.

Brown was described as non-violent The unfairness was that it was claimed that it was the officer who became angry and not the victim. Some supported the officer, some the 18-year-old guy. Independent investigators could not come to the conclusion on who was in fault. But the officer had bruises on his face which showed that Brown might have struck him. Moreover, he had a wound from the bullet on his right forearm.

In the next few days social unrest occurred in the city but demonstrations were mostly peaceful. Many believed that the main issue of the tragedy was based on racist attitudes.

No charges were filed against Darren Wilson. Grand jury declined to indict him and protest erupted all across the country.

A poster with the words “Hands up. Don’t shoot. Aug 9, 2014. R.I.P. Michael Brown. We will never forget” were put on the place where the accident occurred.  


Michael Brown

Darren Wilson


1)     https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/30/us/ferguson-missouri-michael-brown-darren-wilson-no-charges/index.html

2)     https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1043986218787732

3)     https://abcnews.go.com/US/5th-anniversary-black-teen-michael-browns-death-ferguson/story?id=64872415


