Color Of Change

“Color of Change helps you do something real about injustice”. These are the words that we encounter the moment we click the link to their website [1]. 

Color Of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization, which consists of 7 million members. They design campaigns powerful enough to improve the situation of Black Americans and champion solutions that move everyone towards justice and equality. These are their words. And as well as NAACP, this organization made a huge progress in its sphere. Although, it is not as old as NAACP, as it was founded in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina [2]. 

The main instrument of action of this organization is leading campaigns. Rather peaceful organization, no violence, just pure analyzing of the current situation and advancing solutions to the occurring issues. 

The members seek to strengthen Black American’s political voice, largely through the use of Internet. However, in practice, the group take advantage of racially sensitive events, usually tragic ones, in order to spread their views and opinions on this matter [2]. 

You can become a member of this organization quite easily or just donate money for the global cause. All in all, the fact that this is an online organization can be considered beneficial. Many non indifferent people from all over the world can join in. Not just meet up once a year for national conventions as it is done with NAACP. 

Thus, we can say, that their methods are slightly different from NAACPs, but still, Color Of Change is considered one of the largest online organizations that support racial equality.

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